Romania Structural Funds for Environment
Keywords: structural funds Romania, structural funds environment Romania, environmental subventions Romania, EU subventions Romanian environment
The Sectoral Operational Programme Environment (SOP ENV) is closely linked to the national objectives of the strategy laid down in the National Development Plan 2007-2013 (NDP) and National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), which takes into consideration the European Unions supporting objectives, principles and practices. It is designed to lay the foundation and be a catalyst for a more competitive economy, a better environment and more balanced regional development. The SOP is fully based on the goals and priorities of the European Unions environment and infrastructure policies and reflects Romanias international obligations as well as its specific national interests.
The SOP ENV continues and builds for the future, on national environmental infrastructure development programmes initiated in the pre-accession period, particularly with PHARE and ISPA support. Apart from infrastructure development, SOP ENV is regarded as a tool to complete efficient management structures for environmentally relevant services. As well, the SOP design addresses non-traditional fields of interventions like efficient urban heating systems, risk prevention, ecological reconstructions and Natura 2000 management plans implementation.
The overall objective of SOP is to protect and improve the environment and living standards in Romania, focusing in particular on meeting the environmental acquis.
The aim is to reduce the environment infrastructure gap that exists between the European Union and Romania both in terms of quantity and quality. This should result in more effective and efficient services, while taking fully into account sustainable development and the polluter pays principle. The programme covers the period of 2007-2013, but its objectives also look forward to Romanias development needs beyond 2013 by laying the foundations for sustainable economic development. It will contribute to Romania meeting its EU obligations in the environment sector offering investment opportunities in all the regions of the country. The starting point for the SOP ENV is the presentation of the current situation of the environment in Romania, followed by a SWOT analysis, on which the development strategy is built. The SOP also contains a description of the priority axes, key intervention areas and projects identification, as well as the implementation provisions.
The specific objectives of the SOP environment
Priority Axis 1 Water: regional projects
Improve the quality and access to water and wastewater infrastructure, by providing water supply and wastewater services in most urban areas by 2015 and by setting efficient regional water and wastewater management structures
Priority Axis 2 Waste
Development of sustainable waste management systems, by improving waste management and reducing the number of historically contaminated sites in minimum 30 counties by 2015
New systems of integrated waste management in min. 15 counties
Extension of existing waste management systems in min. 15 counties
Rehabilitation of old ecological burdens
Priority Axis 3 District heating: selected localities (highly polluted from district heating)
Reduction of negative environmental impact and mitigation of climate change caused by urban heating plants in most polluted localities by 2015
Priority Axis 4 - Nature protection: implementation of Natura 2000 network
Protection and improvement of biodiversity and natural heritage by supporting the protected areas management, including NATURA 2000 implementation
Priority Axis 5 - Flood prevention: selected areas most vulnerable to floods
Reduction of the incidence of natural disasters affecting the population, by implementing preventive measures in most vulnerable areas by 2015
The structural funds for environment in detail per axis
1.Improvement of water/waste water systems
Specific objectives
To ensure adequate water/waste water services, at accessible tariffs
To ensure adequate quality of drinking water in all urban agglomerations
To improve the quality of water courses
To improve the management of sewage sludge
Indicative operations
Rehabilitation/modernization of drinking water treatment plants
Rehabilitation/modernization of sewage networks
Construction/rehabilitation of waste water treatment plants
2. Development of integrated waste management systems and rehabilitation of old ecological burdens
Specific objectives
Increase of population accessibility to public waste management services of adequate quality and tariffs
Reduction of waste landfills
Increase of recycled/recovered waste quantities
Reduction of old ecological burdens
Indicative operations
Construction of complying waste landfills
Closure of non-complying landfills and old ecological burdens
Construction of transfer stations
Endowment with machinery and other equipments
Facilities for selective collection of household waste
3. Improvement of municipal district heating systems
Specific objectives
Improvement of minimum level of pollutant concentration in affected localities
Improvement of living standards for the population in affected localities
Indicative operations
Retechnologization of large combustion plants
Introduction of best available techniques (BAT) for reduction of SO2, NOx and dust emissions
Introduction of metering systems
Rehabilitation of non-complying slag and ash
Rehabilitation of hot water and heat distribution networks
4. Development of management systems for protected areas
Specific objectives
Conservation of biodiversity, natural habitats, wild species of fauna and flora
Ensure an efficient management of protected areas
Indicative operations
Strengthening of institutional capacity of authorities involved, preparation of scientific studies, inventories, mapping
Elaboration and implementation of management plans for protected areas, including for NATURA 2000 sites
5. Reduction of negative impact of natural disasters
Specific objectives
Contribution to a sustainable flood management
Protection and rehabilitation of Black Sea shore
Indicative operations
Hydrotechnical works for flood prevention and reduction of their distructive consequences
Elaboration of risk maps
Rehabilitation of Black Sea shore (c) Copyright 2009